This is a very short story for the month, mostly because all the other stories I have I want to do a better picture for. This week has been a whole bunch of going very slow to get what I want done, and feeling very rushed to try and get it all finished. I’m hoping next week goes better, but for now here’s a little something fun for the day.
Spring Showers:
“I want you to think of the pros of this before you get mad.”
Sol stared blankly at the desk before him, taking two deep, measured breaths before looking up at Droplet. “You have a minute.”
Droplet flitted nervously, her blue wings flickering. “so you know how the field over next to the Henrick’s farm is supposed to be a field of violets? And you know how we were short on violet dye so we had to mix our own colors today?”
Sol could already see where this was going and slumped over to rest his forehead on the desk. Why did he think being a manager was a good idea? Maybe he should have asked why Vern was so keen on retiring.
“But!” Droplet nervously hovered closer. “Seasonal variants are really in right now, and the scientific community will be all over the field trying to figure out -”
“Just!” Sol held up a hand. “Just fix it before anyone notices what’s happened. Ask Drip for help with the color mixing. Just. Please.”
“Yes sir! Right away sir!” Droplet straightened up and gave a stiff salute before zipping out the door, hopefully to find Drip.
Sol let out another tired sigh and leaned back in his chair to stare at the ceiling. Not even a week into spring and already this was happening. He wasn’t looking forward to how the rest of the season was going to pan out.