
Mid-Month Middle Earth 5

We’re back with the monthly update, and I’ve finally managed to move onto page two of the pattern. I’m still using the first color I chose to work with but the end is in sight! At least for this part of the pattern. Of course once I finish with this sections I’ll just be moving onto the next symbol, and I think I already know which one I’ll be using. The next question is how I’m going to track the different symbols on the pages of the pattern. Do I keep using one colored pencil and just fill in the whole page pink as I move from one symbol to the next, or should I start swapping colored pencils? I won’t be able to do each symbol with it’s own colored pencil because there are a lot of symbols in the pattern, but I can vary the colors so that it’s not all one indistinct blob of pink.

The further into the pattern I go the more unwieldy the canvas I’m using becomes and I wish I had one of those large stretching canvas holders. It would be impractical. I don’t really have any place to set it up with the piece while I work on it, nor do I have the space to store it easily, but a girl can dream. Hopefully I’ll figure out something better than folding and unfolding the canvas as I work on it but so far that’s my best plan.

On the audio book front I am officially 50% of the way through “the Ball and the Cross”, and I’m excited to see how it ends. I wasn’t sure exactly what kind of story it would be when I started the audio book but it’s turned into a fascinating dialogue between the two main characters, an atheist and a roman catholic, as they attempt to duel each other and keep running into one obstacle after another. Most of them in the form of other philosophical world views. I’m curious to see what the final duel will look like, and what the outcome will be for the two opposing world views turned comrades against their opposition.

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